If you japa, or planning to japa, know that there are some words and phrases that have become a taboo to use in thr corporate spaces. Let me give you some heads up make you no allow village people no go give you leg over for where you japa go.
“Blind” has been replaced with “Visually impaired”.
“Deaf” has been replaced with “hearing impaired”.
“Dumb” has been replaced with “speech impaired”
“Fat” has been replaced with “big”.
“Disabled people” has been replaced with “people with disabilities”.
“Mad or Deranged” has been replaced with “mental health issues”.
“Crippled or paralysed” has been replaced with “mobility impaired”
And, when you don’t know the right words to use, use the general term, “people with additional needs “
I will add more when I remember them. Please add yours.